Monday, March 15, 2010

Time to plant the peas . . but first . . .

a secret my dad told me my grandma use to do:

Grandma use to give her peas a jump start before planting them. I put mine in a baggie with a moist paper towel. In UT springtime can still be cold from time to time, so this gives those seeds some time to soften and want to sprout earlier. I am planting my favorite (sugar snap) peas and also some stir-fry seeds. Peas are generally planted 2 inches apart with the rows 6 inches apart. I figure out how many rows I want to plant, and how long I want those rows to be and then I put the number of peas in the bag that would cover that area + a few extra just in case some don't sprout. Also, remember that peas need full sunlight so keep that in mind when preparing a bed. I actually plant my rows further apart because directly next to them I plant my beans in May. That way, when I pull my peas up I'm utilizing the same space, and it's not left empty. I'll be planting mine in a day or two.

Today is dedicated to preparing the soil. This week I'll also be planting spinach, green onions (I'll do a few plantings of these every two weeks to have a supply for the whole summer), and kohlarabi. My daughter Megan has been asking me everyday if it's time to plant our garden. She's also been having dreams about it and been drawing pictures of the two of us planting and watering plants together. I think she's caught the gardening bug as well.

How many of you have planted peas? Do you have a trick to help them do well? What varieties do you like?

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